Serving Utility Companies Since 1995
Bring your team together, no matter the distance
CallingPost keeps your team connected
We Understand
Your Communication Needs
We help leaders build a more connected team with our easy-to-use texting, calling and emailling service.
Let your group hear your voice! Record, preview and send customized messages in your own voice from your phone, computer or tablet.
Schedule Communications
Don't wait! Our scheduling feature allows you to send phone, email and text messages weeks, days or hours before special events.
Voicemail Recognition
Just because someone misses your call doesn't mean they will miss your message! Our Voicemail Detection determines if a voicemail has picked up and leaves a message.
Member Management
Welcome new customers/employees, communicate with staff, organize events, and grow your business with our easy-to-use member management system. Spend less time organizing, and more time communicating!
Customizable Email Templates
Trying to go green, or just want to spend less on paper and printer ink? Use our email templates to send out weekly announcements, late notices, etc.!
Mobile App
Avaialble on Apple and Android smart devices, our mobile app lets you handle your communications on the go! Add new contacts, send messages, and see how your last campaign performed, all from the palm of your hand.
how to get started
Getting started is as easy as...

Group set up
Customize your CallingPost account by adding your team members, contacts, & drafting your first message!

Send a message
Quickly create a phone call, text or email message that can easily be sent to 10 or 10,000.

Relax & enjoy the results
You can use these analytics to plan your next outreach strategy, see who received your message, & who couldn't be reached.